The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Sunday, November 9, 2014

How God Took Care Of Us Through Each Of You!

For almost the last three months our lives have centered around taking care of Loressa. In the beginning, we sat at the hospital night and day and spent our moments praying and fully focused on her care and her recovery. Our family stayed on task and that task was making sure her every need was met. It was a time of intensely leaning on the Lord. It will always be a time that I will look back on and remember the way that God took care of our every need.

When thinking about the way that I felt throughout the beginning days and weeks following her accident, I’m reminded that I really had no needs that were not taken care of.  Every time I needed to eat, someone fed me. Every time I needed encouragement, someone spoke blessings and encouragement to me. Every time I needed to know that my other children and grandchildren were being taken care of, someone jumped in to take care of them. God constantly met our needs through the people he sent to minister to us. I’m amazed at how many people invested in our family and how many people helped to facilitate our ability to care for her and also stay close as a family. So many people took care of us during that time and by taking care of us, they took care of Loressa. As some of you know, family means a lot to me. I glean a lot of strength from my family being together. It gives me comfort and a sense of belonging when our family gets to sit together for a meal or sit around a room sharing what we are thankful for or even singing together around Loressa’s bed at night. So many people helped to give me that comfort by working so hard to keep my family taken care of.

I wish I could thank everyone personally for the beautiful way we were taken care of, but I just don’t think I really can thank everyone sufficiently. I have the thank you notes. I even have some stamps, but my words seem extremely insignificant and trite in comparison with all that was done for us. At this point, my thank you notes will quite possibly not get written and I’m going to have to believe that all that everyone did, they did out of the kindness of their hearts and their obedience to the Lord and that they will understand my inability to respond properly. My heart is thankful and encouraged with the response of everyone who touched us during these days. I think, for much of the time, I saw the beautiful end result of your faithfulness to care for us, but I was unaware of so many details that others were taking care of. My focus was Loressa and, because of the kindness shown to us, I was able to keep that focus. I can’t imagine the chaos that I would have felt if the rest of my world had not come to my rescue and made it possible for me to just be a mom.

So many people cared for us. So many people shared about Loressa and intentionally told her story so that others would pray. So many of you prayed for her and even specifically for me. If you prayed for us, thank you! If you fed us, thank you! If you gave money or gift cards, thank you! If you sat and did word searches in the lobby to keep my family company, thank you! If you sent gifts, thank you! If you made her things with your own hands, thank you! If you came to visit, thank you! If you paid for our hotel room, thank you! If you graciously made my life better in any way, thank you! If you moved my furniture and put wooden floors to make it easier on her wheelchair, thank you! If you offered to help, but I never got back to you, thank you for understanding! If you cleaned my house and organized my mess, thank you! You all know who you are and I wish so badly that everyone who participated in blessing us in the ways I have mentioned and in the ways that I have left out would read this and know that you made a difference in our lives. I know that it won’t make it to everyone, but I sure wish you all would know how thankful I truly am!

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you! You have filled our lives with your love and we are forever changed because of it!