The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Saturday, August 13, 2016

God's Faithfulness-Part 3

There is another huge milestone that is happening on Sunday for my family. It is not only the day of Loressa’s wedding shower and the anniversary of the accident, but it is also the 15-year anniversary of John beginning his position as Youth Minister at First Baptist Church of The Colony. August 14, 2001 was the day that our family of 9 (which included 2 adults and 7 children ranging from a 14 year old teenager down to a 3 month old newborn baby) traveled from Sweeny, Texas to The Colony, Texas in our 15-passenger van. This was the day that would begin a journey that would still be continuing 15 years later. John became the youth minister to a small band of youth and has served the youth of the church year after year since then. He has prayed for them and taught them and loved them through the good times and the bad. John has faithfully served and loved the people of The Colony.

Through the years, each of our children has used their gifts and talents to serve in ministries that John and I were involved in.  From leading worship with the youth or in the main services to helping to plan and decorate for events and even by just being an encouragement to others, they have each given their time and talents to helping their dad with anything that he needed or wanted them to help with. They have mentored those younger than themselves. They have created choreography for our many musicals and helped plan dances for others to enjoy. They have planned games and run the lights and changed the sign out front. They have set up and torn down hundreds of chairs for different events. They have learned what it means to serve and they have learned what it means to be loved and encouraged by those that serve alongside them. They have served faithfully and with joy. They have enjoyed the life that they have had as pastor’s kids. Most of all, they have had the blessing of being the sons and daughters of their father, John Pecoraro, and I’ve had the joy of being his wife and their mother through it all. God’s faithfulness to us is overwhelming and I am so grateful to the Lord that He has given us 7 children who love Him and who love to serve others. Thank you, Lord!.

You, who have been here, have watched as my family has grown 15 years older. The kids now span the ages of 29 down to 15. We have added a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law and will add another son-in-law in October. We have been to 15 camps and been on 37 mission trips. We have added 4 grandchildren and another grandson who will arrive in December. We've had hospital stays for Halton, Loressa and John.We have had sickness and the heartache of John's father's death.  We have had casual times of hanging out and awesome parties. We've had dances and weddings. We have had times of intimate worship with family and friends. We have certainly been through a lot, both good and not so good, in the last 15 years. We have overwhelmingly felt the love and support of those who are constantly meeting our needs before we even know what they are. The church has ministered to us through every addition to our family and has blessed us time and time again through loving us and showing us God's love over and over again. You have walked through valleys with us and you have climbed mountain peaks in our spiritual walks. You have seen us at our best and you have seen us at our worst and, yet, you still choose to love us and support us.

When I think of the last 15 years, I think of how fast they have gone by. My hair has turned white. My children are almost all grown. My life has been good and it is all because a loving God knows me and meets my every need in ways that are beyond my understanding. I serve a God who cares about all the big details and all of the small ones. He cares where I live and where I worship. He cares that my family serves Him and He cares that we feel His love.

He shows us His love over and over again.
God has been so faithful to all of us and we are so very thankful!!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

God's Faithfulness-Part 2

Another reminder of our God’s faithfulness is the soon return of my precious Bethany Grace from her summer of serving the Lord overseas. God has given her a wonderful summer and He has increased the love in her heart for the people she has been getting to know and serve. God gave her a second family to love over there, too! I am so very thankful to be getting her back home. I have missed her so very much! Bethany is so bubbly and fun to be around! I can’t wait to laugh with her and be encouraged by her joy! As some of you know, Bethany was actually planning on going on this short term opportunity in the fall 2 years ago, but she didn’t go so that she could stay here and help with Loressa’s recovery. She ministered to us every single day without thought of what she could have been doing somewhere else, but our faithful God gave her another opportunity and the timing was perfect for her to go this summer and serve others just as she had so faithfully and joyfully served our family. I’ve always said that everyone should have a Bethany in his or her life and I can’t wait to share more time with her once she gets home. Please remember her in your prayers that she will transition easily back into life at home and that she gets here safely. 

God's Faithfulness-Part 1

Today (well, it will actually be yesterday by the time I finally post this) was a day full of reminders of the faithfulness of God.
Two years ago, August 14th was on a Thursday, and it was the day of Loressa’s accident. It was the day that she kissed me good-bye in the morning, but didn’t make it all the way home at the end of the day. It was the day that a DPS officer came to my door and told me the news of her accident and then drove me to Parkland Hospital to, hopefully, make it there to be able to see her. It was a time that could have been filled with fear, but instead was filled with peace that the Lord was in complete control. He was faithful to care for us!
The actual 2-year anniversary of the accident will be on Sunday, but that day will be a day with a different focus. Sunday, August 14th, will be the day of Loressa and Ryan’s wedding shower. How wonderfully faithful is our God. Instead of memories of the past two years and all of the struggles, we will spend the day looking forward to a wonderful future for her and her sweet fiancĂ©. The accident changed the course of Loressa’s life in many ways and one of those ways was in finding the love of her life. I’ve had the opportunity to see Ryan care for her when she is weak and serve her patiently when she needs help. God has taken heartache and turned it into joy. He has taken her difficulties and turned them into opportunities for Ryan to show love and compassion.

We have watched the Lord work and it is a beautiful thing. He has been faithful to work all these things for the good for Loressa and Ryan and for all of us who have been called according to His purpose. This is a very grateful Momma to get to come to the 2-year mark of such a devastating event and be able to say, “Thank you, Lord, for everything You have brought us through.”