The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A New Day

It's a new day! I'm excited that God has given it to me along with a new desire to be used by Him. Yesterday and maybe the day before that, I wasn't quite feeling that way. I was struggling (again) with my ridiculous insecurities. I was feeling defeated and anxious...but then God began to work in me, so...Thank you Lord for new days and new perspectives. Thank you Lord that you don't give up on me. Thank you Lord that you bring me peace. Thank you Lord for a family that challenges me to get out of my comfort zone even when I'm scared to and  thank you Lord for a family that loves me even when I'm not at my best... I don't know if you have ever felt discouraged or not, but if you have, remember that you don't have to stay and live in discouragement. You can remove the "dis" and the "ment" from discouragement and end up with courage. For me, courage comes when I remember that God really is in control over everything, therefore feeling defeated or anxious are just Satan's tools to keep me from fully trusting Him.  I don't desire to stay defeated. I desire to be at peace, trusting in my God for every aspect of my life...."These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world."(John 16:33). God and His Word brings peace, encouragement and definitely puts our lives here in this world in perspective. It's not about us...It's all about Him!

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