The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From "moms of sons" to "moms of seniors"

Hello everyone! I thought I'd give a little update on Moms Encouraging Moms. Last night a group of mothers of sons met to begin a six week Bible/book study on "5 Conversations You Must Have With your Sons." I was excited to be able to attend it and I'm looking forward to all that I'm going to learn. One of the reasons that I was so excited about it was because of all who were there. When we met for our first Mom's meeting a while back to evaluate the needs of the mothers in our church, one of the biggest needs mentioned was how to parent boys and raise them to be godly men. One of the blessings to me about the Bible/book study was that the women who asked for encouragement in this area actually came and an  added blessing was that many other women came, too!

Sadly, our society is failing our boys... We, (their mothers), must take an active role in teaching them and guiding them to go against the way of the world and become the men of God that He created them to be. God has blessed us with the privilege of raising them and with that privilege comes a huge responsibility. It can be daunting at times, but  so worth it in the long run. Praise the Lord for all of the moms who are striving to raise up godly men!!!!

Speaking of raising our children to adulthood...

I am beginning to plan another evening for Moms Encouraging Moms.  I don't have the date or time yet, but I'll tell you the topic now....I would like for any moms of seniors to have a time to meet together and talk about our changing roles as our students graduate. It's an emotional time for me as a mother to Bethany, my graduating senior, who is supposed to still be 10 years old. I think we would all benefit from talking together about how fast the time has gone and how to be handle and encourage each other along the way in the coming months. I'm looking for a home and a date to meet. If you think this would benefit you or if you would like to host the evening, let me know. I think maybe a Tuesday evening for about an hour or so might be good, or maybe a Saturday morning brunch. I'd like for it to be soon because life is just going to get busier in the next few weeks. Let's try to make it happen:)

1 comment:

cdowlen said...

Pam, I've had this bookmarked for weeks. Our Nathan will be a senior next year. He just turned 17, so my boy is not only reaching young adulthood but is already infected with "senior-itis". And yes, it is an emotional time for me! I celebrate our changing relationship but miss the snuggles and tickles. Absolutely I wish I were close enough to attend your Bible study. Love to your Bethany.