The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stop Talking and Start Doing

It's 3 am. My favorite time of the day, or maybe I should say my favorite time of the night. One of my daughters is sitting beside me memorizing scripture while one of my sons works on some music. Everyone else is in bed where they should be. Usually, we are all in bed, too, but sometimes, for some reason, I am awake at this early hour and I always think I should be writing something. When I'm working on writing one of the musicals for the youth and children's choirs at church, it's easy to stay up all night and work on the scripts. I write and then rewrite and then sometimes I rewrite it all over again, but tonight I am beginning this blog. I'm extremely nervous about this writing adventure because it is something I have been thinking about, talking about, and doing nothing about for years. I have known God was calling me to be a "writer" for around 20 years. I have talked about my desire to write for almost that long, but putting it off has become a way of life. I have been writing the scripts that our students at our church have been performing for several years, but I only recently realized that by doing so I was actually "writing". I know that sounds silly, but it took a dear friend stopping me in the middle of one of my "poor me I'll never write anything even though I know I'm supposed to" rants and asking me why I never considered the scripts I had written as fulfilling part of that calling. A light went on in my head and I realized for the first time that maybe, just maybe, I could stop "saying" that I wanted to be a writer and just be one.

Hopefully, through this blog, I will be able to share links to the scripts I have written in order to sell some of them-I've been talking about publishing them and selling them for years, too. I'm am hoping to stop talking and start doing.


Melissa Adams said...

I'm very excited about this and look forward to following your journey! Your going to be awesome at this, well you are already are awesome so thats not going to be that hard to accomplish! :-)

Heather said...

Yay!! Now I can feel like I really am a Pecoraro by walking through life with you via your blog!!

Jennifer said...

Awesome! I look forward to following along with your journey!

John said...

I am excited for you my wonderful wife as you share your life and scripts to others through this blog.

Pam Pecoraro said...

Mom, this is from Mackenna (I'm using your computer). I Love you. I love getting to stay up with you late at night, It is like our own special time together. Your musicals are very good, and they are very cute. I can NOT wait until you write the next one. You are a great mom. XOXO xoxo I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!