The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Monday, February 21, 2011

Awesome teenagers

I have a very special privilege pretty much every day of my life... Because of working with teenagers for so long and because of my husband's position as a youth minister and because of my own family of mostly teenagers, I get to be blessed by the "cream of the crop" of teenagers almost every day . I am constantly amazed at the way they are willing to be used by God and I am also constantly blessed by their good attitudes. One of my "eye-witness" accounts of their great attitudes took place last Friday night. I invited youth from our youth choir to come over if they wanted to help me with reading through the script that I am writing for them so that I could get their feedback and their advice and also so that I could hear the parts read out loud instead of just as voices inside my head. No one had to come, but about 20 of them showed up. They laughed when they were supposed to and they gave me some good suggestions and then I divided them up into groups to make up dances to go with some of the songs...It was a very productive night and all evening long I kept thinking of how honored I feel to work with these incredible students......Fast forward two days and I get to have another house full of teenagers, but tonight it's all boys.
As I sat here writing this, I got to watch this house full of boys go from wrestling in the back yard to making a movie of fake fighting to them hilariously doing all of the dancing parts (guys and girls parts) in a dancing game on the wii. The whole time I sat laughing at how cute they all were. In a world where a lot of teenage guys are struggling with peer pressure to travel down roads that would take them far away from the Lord, I get to see young men who just like to have good clean fun. I am so, so blessed! Thank you, Lord.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I got to see the videos of the boys dancing on facebook late last night. It looked like they were having a ball. I agree with you that guys struggle with the pressure to turn from God, and like you, I feel blessed to see so many young men who are seeking the Lord in all they do. Thanks for letting Jacob hang out with your family--he always looks forward to it! Blessings, Jennifer