The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow days for homeschoolers

Well, the last couple of days have been quite interesting. Texas has had temperatures that we are really not used to. It is sooooo coooold! The public schools have been closed, but there really is no such thing as a "snow day" for a homeschooler. After all, we don't have to face the weather in order to get to our schoolwork. It causes quite a dilemma. Do we stop doing school work because everyone else gets to, or do we keep working because we can?  Tuesday, we chose schoolwork. Wednesday, we chose to work on home and family relationships by hanging out together. Family time is always worth it and as a mom of a pretty big family, I gladly choose to have my family all together even if a little chaos rules the day. Yes, I said it. Being all together is sometimes very chaotic, but hopefully the memories we make are worth it. We started the day late, but quickly went outside to make the most of the sunshine and ice combination. I learned an important fact about playing on the ice. I learned that the freezing cold is only fun until you can't feel your fingers anymore and then the fun must subside until you have warmed up. The cold weather is also more fun if you have all of the right accessories-such as waterproof gloves, warm hats and thick coats. Unfortunately, my family doesn't own very many of those things, but we do own ice skates, so today we ice skated up and down our street. It was a pretty awesome thing to do. Hunter even put duct tape on the bottom of our shoes so those that didn't have ice skates could still slide on the ice. Nothing stops Hunter from figuring out how to have fun in every situation. The fun just didn't get to last too long because of the lack of accessories....Along the lines of the cold weather; my children and I have all decided that my husband must have a very special relationship with the weather man. While the kids are all on their phones or ipods texting their friends all day, John was constantly checking out the weather. It has been pretty funny to watch.


John said...

It was fun making all of these special memories with all of our children. Every one of them have so much to add to our family. God has truly blessed us. Thanks for taking time to share these stories except about me and the weatherman, ha, ha. Just kidding. I love you, John

NanaBlue said...

Awwwwwwwwww you guys are sweet! I love reading the happenings in the Pecoraro family!!! Thanks for sharing!!