The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Masquerade written by Halton Pecoraro

These are two of my children, Halton and Loressa, leading worship with their band "More Than A Memory."  I love to hear them singing and praising God together. The Lord has been using the band here at our church for some time, but I'm hoping and praying that they will begin to get more and more opportunities to lead worship other places. They are all such a blessing to me.

Right before D-NOW I mentioned to Halton that it would be awesome if he and Loressa wrote a song for it. About an hour later he texted me from upstairs and asked me to come and listen. This is the song he had written and it blew me away at how perfect it was for all that we were going to be talking about during the weekend. One of the big events for D-NOW was a Masquerade Ball and I loved how Halton took that and wrote a song about hiding behind a mask. I'm so thankful for the way God is using my children.

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