The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Random thoughts...

We are now in the last few days before the musical and, believe it or not, I actually do feel at peace about it all. I think that maybe a few of you really are praying for me and I am so thankful. I love days like today. It started off with going to get Hunter's passport for our mission trip to Canada, so I already feel very accomplished. We still have school work to accomplish, children's choir and youth choir and LIFE tonight, costumes to finish, microphone and  props assignments to finish, the program with all of the names for "Set Us Free," as well as all of the other things that I'm behind on and I think we have some out of town company coming this afternoon.  Now that I made my list, I don't feel quite so accomplished, but at least it started off well.
The mission trip to Canada seems like such a long way away, but yet I know it will be here before we know it. This will be Hunter's first time to go with the rest of us because you have to be in High School to go. I'm so excited for the people we will be seeing to get the chance to get to know another one of my children. Now, they will have met all of my family except my youngest two kids. John, me, Loressa, Halton, Bethany and Hunter will get to experience this all together. What a blessing to have my children serve alongside me in ministry. Being together in ministry is one of the many things that I love about my family. The musical is one of those ministries that we all do together. I guess that is one of the reasons they are so important to me. We work together, discuss it together, pray over it together, stress over it together and enjoy it together I really hope you will come if at all possible. Three of my children, Bethany, Hunter and Mackenna are all demons in the play....You won't want to miss that.

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