The invitation song"In Christ Alone" summing up the entire play! |
Sunday, May 15, 2011, is over. I was planning and working toward that day for many months and now it is behind me...a wonderful, precious memory. The musical, "Set Us Free," that has consumed my thoughts and time for the last several months was last night. What a blessing it was to see all of the hours culminate into a worship experience like none other. I think God always speaks to me more than anyone else through the process of preparing and presenting the plays. My husband, John, always says that watching the musical is like watching our lives acted out for everyone to see and I think, although it is never really my intent, he's right. One of the main characters in the play was the demon of insecurity (played by my daughter Bethany who, by the way, is such a wonderful actress). I am attacked by insecurity on a daily basis...I worry about saying things that I wish I hadn't said, second guessing everything I say, rethinking everything I say, worrying about how I look, worrying about what others are going to think about me, my family, my decisions. The list is long of what insecurity does to me...I guess that was why it was such a big part in the play. It plays a big, unwelcomed part in my life. Another big part of our lives was played out in the song "What it Means to Be Loved". Although the song was written about a family with a little girl with some special needs, it was very similar to our lives with Halton who was born with Spina Bifida. I remember very clearly being called back to the doctor after our first ultrasound and him asking that question, "What do you want to do". There was no question in our minds as to whether we would go ahead and have the baby. We felt blessed to have been entrusted to raise a child with special needs. If any of you know Halton, you know what we mean when we say that ever since the day we got to bring him home, he's been out to prove the doctors wrong. At the time, we had no idea what the future would hold, but God has blessed us far beyond any expectation on our part with being allowed to be his parents. The song expressed all of that so well, I just had to use it in the play....I'll probably write more about the stories behind the writing of the musical, but for now...I need to finish the insurmountable pile of laundry that has been growing and waiting for me for the past week...Have a blessed day!
As usual the musical was wonderful and such a blessing to me and so many who saw it. I am amazed at all God does through you as you write the musicals for His glory. Thanks for allowing the students to use their talents for the Lord especially for our own children to be able to serve too. I am so blessed to be your husband and for God bringing you into my life as your husband, 28 years and 10 months ago today. I love you very much. Love, John
Mom, this is Mackenna, I am so glad you write the musicals every year. I really liked this one, it was so good. I cannot believe it is over :( I liked getting to be in practically all of it, (even though I only spoke in a little bit of it. ) It was still a lot of fun. I can't wait for the next one. You clearly have a wonderful gift that God has given you. I liked playing the demon of "Jealousy" and the human "Fran," it was a lot of fun. I love you sooooo much.
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