The Pecoraro's

The Pecoraro's

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

About Life4Him-skits, scripts and stories: Almost

About Life4Him-skits, scripts and stories: Almost: "It was extremely hard to get going today. I think sometimes I just have too much to think about, so I have a hard time zeroing in on accompl..."


It was extremely hard to get going today. I think sometimes I just have too much to think about, so I have a hard time zeroing in on accomplishing anything. My mind goes in a million different directions and, although I have good intentions, I "almost" always end up doing the last thing on the list of importance. It's kind of like thinking, "I have to get all of these things done today, but I think I'll sit down and write on my blog instead."Somehow, I'm thinking that this little update for all of you is ranked a little lower than everything else, but yet, it's the easiest to accomplish...Maybe I need a personal assistant, or a maid, or...or maybe I need kids to help. Oh wait, I already have those. Maybe the problem with today is that my biggest helper is a bit out of commission. Hunter fell off of his bike, "almost" landing a perfect flip. The key word in that sentence is "almost." Since he "almost" made it, he ended up with a fractured radial head in his right elbow and "almost" a hundred different cuts and bruises and a concussion. Needless to say, it would have been great if he had landed the flip. I'm hoping for a very quick recovery for him. He was counting on the money he was going to make mowing yards and crocheting (those two things still don't really go together) to pay for all of his summer mission trips and camps with the church. Hunter, as usual has a great attitude. Now, back to me, what was I supposed to be doing? Oh, yeah, I "almost" list! I'm supposed to be working on my list. I guess I better quit writing and try to accomplish something. Where is that list anyway? Oh, yeah, in my head with all those millions of different thoughts....I "almost" wrote everything down this time so I would remember it all, but , again, the key word in that sentence is "almost."

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Wow, Easter is here already. Most of my family is at a youth prison today to have an Easter service for the inmates. John is preaching. More Than A Memory is leading worship and a bunch of other youth are there to talk with and encourage the people in the prison. I'm glad they are getting the chance to go out of their comfort zone to make what Jesus did on the cross a reality to those that need to hear inside the prison walls. They are taking an Easter service to them while many other people are busy preparing their own Easter celebrations in their homes and churches...Easter is a special holiday, especially for those us who call ourselves Christians. It is a reminder to all people that our Jesus did not die just for the sake of suffering and dying for us, but also in order to prove that He had power over death. I'm glad to have Easter as a symbol for all of the rest of the people of the world, but for me, personally, every Sunday is Easter. Actually, every moment is Easter. Jesus' resurrection is what we, as Christians, celebrate every single moment of our lives. Without it, we are nothing. Without it, there is no hope. Without it, our Savior is still in a grave like every other man. My risen Savior didn't die just to be "celebrated," He died to give me forgiveness and hope and eternal life and a relationship with God and...He died to give me LIFE, so that my entire LIFE could be a "celebration" of His resurrection...I pray that every moment will be a celebration of "Easter Sunday" in my heart and yours.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In my arms....

Today, I am typing one handed.Why, you might ask? Did you break your arm? Hurt your wrist? No, nothing like that. Today, I am writing one handed because I have my precious Violet Rose sleeping in my arms. Oh, I know I could put her down and get a few things done around here that require two hands, but why should I? Mackenna and Destiny are near me doing their school work. Bethany is upstairs writing an essay and Hunter is working on a neighbor's yard.  Loressa and Halton are in class at college and I am holding my grandbaby. Life is good and I am grateful. Thank you, Lord!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Prom 2011

Well, I haven't written anything since before Prom. I started a post, but never finished, so I think I'll do that right now....This past weekend (the weekend of April 9) was as busy as ever in the Pecoraro home. We went out of town late Thursday night in order to spend Friday with John's family and some close friends. Then we left Saturday morning so we could be home in time for Bethany to have a hair appointment so she could have time to get ready for Prom. Prom could not have been more wonderful. The students had a wonderful time. They danced. They ate. They had fun. And they did it all in a very wholesome, godly atmosphere. The music was wonderful, too. It was a huge blessing to be a part of and I'm so glad that it all came about. The week before the event, we all had a two hour long dance lesson to learn line dances and the waltz and the two step and the quick step and a few that my old mind and body can't remember. My mind was spinning at all of the dance information to remember, but the students all caught on really well and, of course, we also had "Just Dance 2" on the wii to add to the fun. I loved it all...the preparation and the actual event. Our church has never sponsored anything like a prom, but I am hopeful that it will become an annual event. I loved how the students that came to our prom had a blast together and walked away glad that they came. Most of them had actually decided beforehand that they didn't want to be a part of regular school prom because of the things that they had all heard about going on there. Wouldn't it be great if kids like ours who really would like to have fun at their prom, without all the unwholesomeness, would all have an alternative to what the schools have been offering them? Who knows, maybe good clean dancing can catch on everywhere. I hope so....Now, I have another idea. Wouldn't it be fun to have a prom for all of us married couples who would like to learn a dance or two? I've heard of having a "Second Chance Prom." I would so go for something like that. It would be fun to have an excuse to get dressed up and dance with my husband. So.....who could I get to plan that for me?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Day Without Shoes

TOMS, the shoe people, are hosting "A day without shoes". The purpose is to remind people who are blessed with the finances to buy shoes that there are children all over the world who go without shoes every day. What a great concept! I don't know about you, but I need a reminder that having shoes is actually a luxury. In America, we often think of an extra car as a luxury or maybe a new dress or even eating out as a luxury. How many times do we think of shoes as a luxury that we really don't exactly "need"? If we were to be honest, we would all call shoes "a need"and we would fit it into the category of God meeting our needs. We would probably remind ourselves of God clothing the lilies of the field and how he tells us that if He will clothe them, He will surely also clothe us and we put a few pairs of shoes into that category. Don't get me wrong, I know that in order to function in our society, we need a pair of shoes. You can't go into eating establishments without shoes. You can't go to work without shoes and, let's face it, feet are ugly, so we really should have a pair of shoes to cover their nastiness. But, do we need 20 pairs? ...10?... 5?...2? I don't really know where it stops being a need and becomes a luxury.
My own family has lived many of the days of our lives as "a day without shoes". My kids never wore shoes when they were kids unless we were going somewhere. In fact, to this day, if I put my shoes on during the day the kids ask me where I'm going. And they are almost always right. I don't put my shoes on unless I'm heading out the door. Of course, we don't decline wearing shoes because of children without shoes in other countries. We don't wear them because Pecoraro feet were just not made for shoes. Ask Hunter about shoes and you will most definitely get a negative response. He would rather do everything shoeless, but he has to live up to the standards of the day, so he is now forced to wear them. I kind of wish he didn't have to. I wonder how many "well meaning" grown-ups have thought I was a bad mom through the years because of my children's shoelessness. I'm sure I'll never know and actually, now that I'm older, I don't care... but now that a highly respected shoe company suggests having a day without shoes, maybe we will finally be understood....or... maybe not.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Youth the parents and the youth!

I was going to tell all of the kids in youth choir tonight that this was going to be my last play and that I was going to quit youth choir cause I just couldn't take it anymore...and then tell them April Fools!!! but I couldn't do it. I LOVE LEADING YOUTH CHOIR! Tonight we had our first long rehearsal for the upcoming musical entitled "Set Us Free" and it was wonderful! Our youth group is filled with creative, talented kids who love being together. It makes me really happy to watch them work together and accomplish so much. I watched as they taught each other choreography to the songs and I'm amazed at the way they willingly accepted the responsibilities that I gave them. I don't think there are very many, if any, churches that have the kind of group that we have. I mean, think about it: 40 or 50 kids-friday night-rehearsing-singing-dancing. They could have all probably been doing something different, but they chose to spend the evening working toward the goal of presenting something worthwhile for the Lord. I am so pleased!!! If you read this and you are a parent of one of those kids, I just want you to know what a blessing your children are to me. Thanks for letting me have them in youth choir!